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Montag, 9. August 2010

We are in Rio!!!

Oh my god! Karo, you were right, it is amazing! For all our english speaking friends and family, me and Jen decided that I will post in english and Jen will post the normal Blog in German. This way it should be fair now. It may be so, that I will not post as often as Jen does, but at least I don't need to translate the pics! ;-))

Yes, how wunderful Rio is!!! Our first day and already enchanted! Pretty fit for 14 hours flights and only 7 hours sleep, we are going straight to the beach in Copacabana, like we had it in our heads since weeks already. Just sat there for about two hours and enjoyed the incredible view and then into the waves, great and dangerous waves. Then some other places today and most important: Coconut-Drink > It is like it sounds. Jen will post the pics. Tomorrow some more and lets see where the streets in Rio will take us, maybe Pão de Acucar?!

I'll be back!


5 Kommentare:

  1. Nice photos! But why the beach is so empty? Where are the girls? And who is that white old man? :-) In Germany we would say "Kalkleiste"...

  2. Na because all the girls are already waiting in my room! The white old man mit der gesunden Haut bin ich und hier sagt man auch Kalkleiste!

  3. Ich habe auch nichts andere erwartet - Knaller ;-)

  4. So sorry,I can`t open the pictures...why.don`t no. who can help me, the mum from potsdam

  5. Hi mum from Potsdam :-) There is something wrong with the photo-server.
    I wrote with Basti last night and he is trying to fix it soon.

